Tampa Bay Buccaneers tickets and players

The right of vote of the expansion of the Bay of Tampa was granted originally to Ted McCloskey, a construction company company owner NFL network Tampa Bay Buccaneers tickets of Philadelphia . Soon patent was done that McCloskey had the financial problems, so that the NFL found a replacement in Hugh Culverhouse, a rich lawyer of the tax of Jacksonville very known in circles of NFL for the brokering an unheard-of exchange of the right of vote NFL network Tampa Bay Buccaneers tickets between the Colts of Baltimore and Los Angeles Ram. A name the contest of the team had as a result the nickname “Buccaneers,” in honor of the annual Festival of Pirate of Gasparilla in Tampa . The team first home was the Stadium of Tampa, that had been widened recently to sit down barely more than 72.000 fans.


The old coach of USC John McKay was enlisted as the team first first coach. The it emphasized a plan of five years of building that depended on players of veteran, turn of quality chooses, and the patience. Nevertheless, the turn of the expansion before the entrance of the Bucs and Seahawks in the league was not as generous as would come it to be for subsequent teams of expansion of NFL, so that the Buccaneers were saddled with veterans and old things rejected of other teams. In spite of McKay coaches, the Bucs often appeared incompetent, with gears lost, with them close well-worn, and with an incapacity that frustrates to border, and the patience of fans and quick local media carried thin. McKay was criticized also to trust too much in the playbook of USC — for example, the “right of the alumnado” that hurries the play — not to mention choosing to run behind Bell of Ricky on the future Vestibule of NFL of Famer Tony Dorsett in the 1977 Turn of NFL.


This frustration, and even the ira, to go fans of Buccaneer concentrated on in McKay — that incited the brief popularity of abundant stickers that proclaimed “the Shot McKay in the Bay” –stemmed from the season to NFL network Tampa Bay Buccaneers tickets regulate, of 26 play and notorious of the team that loses ray, a registration of NFL that itself for still. The Bucs lost each play in its inaugural season, and lost its first 12 play the following year. The team came be the extreme of many jokes, especially of Johnny Carson in The Exposition of this night, but also of the fans itself, that late in the 1977 season, carried markets in heads and encouraged the team “to go for 0,” as in victories of zero. After an especially depressing effort during the ray, the coach McKay gave perhaps the comment by excellence in the urgency of the team. In a press conference of the post-play, the Tribunal of Tampa lights up to writer Tom McEwen asked McKay about the execution of its offensive line of the team. McKay NFL network Tampa Bay Buccaneers tickets responded, “I am a follower of it”. Another select appointment that summarized its frustration in the time: “We cannot gain at home, we cannot gain on the road, so that we were going to petition the league for a neutral place”.


A short time before of the end of its season of student of second year, the Bucs finally managed to gain its first play—on the road, defeating to the Holy of NEW Orleans, 33-14. The victory was noticeable for three interceptions returns for touched in land, a registration of NFL in the time. (The team would equalize then this exploit 25 years then when they defeated the Invaders of Oakland in Super Bowl XXXVII). After it be greeted by 8000 fans that cheer when the team arrived behind in Tampa late that night after the play, the Bucs continued the victory with a victory at home on the S. The Cardinal of Louis during the final week of the season.


The 1978 season was another campaign that loses, but was noticeable by the field novice marshal presence Doug William. In spite of an injury of season-finishing in which the jaw had to be wired closed, he showed sufficient potential to give Bucs fans expect the future. Its leadership and often electrifying the play would be transformed the a lot more quick team than any expected. .

Doug William were the to begin low-full to marshal of field in the NFL during the 1982 season, and its salary of $120.000 were less than various endorsements. At the end of the season, William asked an increase to $600.000 by the season — a reasonable sum at that time, the passed performance given of William and its posted value. Nevertheless, Culverhouse would not offer more than $400.000 in spite of protests of McKay. The feeling that Culverhouse was not NFL network Tampa Bay Buccaneers tickets arranged to pay him a salary that agrees his position as a principle of NFL, William closed al USFL, where he played two seasons for the Exiles of Oklahoma. Without William, the Bucs appeared to be a team without rudder. They began the next season losing their first nine play, them eliminating of combat of ends. They finished with a 2-14 unprecedented, the first one of a NFL-REGISTRATION 12 straight seasons with 10 or more losses. Many fans of Bucs blamed the exit of William for this apparently endless ray of the uselessness, and of the fact that William returned then al NFL and they directed the Washington Redskins to the victory in Super Bowl XXII only deepened the frustration among fans of Bucs.


It can be discussed that the long misfortunes of the NFL network Tampa Bay Buccaneers tickets team mainly due to how Culverhouse ran the organization. Culverhouse maintained the payroll of the team among the lower one in the league, that incited few players of the quality to sign with the team. The ones that did rarely remained long. Selmon, the Bucs’ first choice of turn in 1976 and The Unico Vestibule of Famer for to have earned its document mainly in Bay of Tampa , was the true only star that had a long occupation with the team. The Bucs did also various slips in the Turn of NFL, the very notorious one that was the selection of the team of Bo Jackson as the #1 general choice when he indicated openly he never would play for them. The Bucs also traded frequently or gave for lost the quality players that passed al larger success in other teams. The most notable examples are all marshals of field: William; Youths of Steve the one that al was traded San Francisco 49ers after only 19 play as a Buc, only to come to be a Super Bowl MVP and the Vestibule of Famer with San Francisco; and Vinny Testaverde, the first general choice of the 1987 turn who the Bucs permitted the walk al Cleveland Brownes way the agency free in 1992.


The misfortunes of the office affected the team in spite of the fact that was introduced to coach. After McKay withdrew at the end of the 1984 season, Leeman Bennett, that had coached the Hawks of Atlanta to his final primerísimas desire, was an employee. After two disastrous 2-14 seasons, he to be replaced by previous Giants of new York and University of Ray of first coach of Alabama Perkins. Perkins returned a lot should discipline and the practical “three-a-day”, but showed too much of a good thing. The team so was drained physically for day of play that the losses continued to pile, and Perkins said good-bye before the end of the 1990 season. The offensive coordinator Richard Williamson was raised to direct the coach, and after his brief success in the final remaining play, he retained the head that coaches the position for the following year. The impetus did not last, nevertheless, and said good-bye after the 1991 season.


It was not to the to employ of Sam Wyche that Bucs airs the reason had for the optimism. Wyche had coached the Cincinnati flare to a Super appearance of the Bowl, one that the team would be able to have earned if not for a return of fourth quarter directed by QB 49ers Joe Montana. Unfortunately, Wyche did not be successful immediate in Tampa , and even its brave one “five-dash-two” (indicating five victories and two losses) the statement in its final season with the Bucs turned out to be premature. Nevertheless, Wyche deserves the credit to edit three key players that would result then the center of the success renewed of the team in the defense — Warren Sapp, Streams of Crane and John Lynch.

In spite of success of Dungy in coaching the Bay of Tampa in a winner, one of the critcisms coherent of the media and of fans — and later, of players inclusive Warren Sapp — was that the defense was expected al shoulder too much of the responsibility to gain the play. Beyond defense Mike Alstott NFL network Tampa Bay Buccaneers tickets and current behind Warrick Dunn — that served as a punch land attack of one-two — and wide receiver Keyshawn Johnson, the team of another way impressed very little in the offense. In spite of the progressive criticism, Dungy remained loyally loyal to his personnel that coaches, but in the conclusion of the 1999 season, the general director McKay Rich forced Dungy to say good-bye to offensive coordinator Mike Shula. The he was replaced by Minnesota Viking and previous Titans of Tennessee coordinating L Steckel offensive in 2000, and the result he was the Bucs’ the season of high-bordering never, another 10-6 unprecedented, and another trip to the ends as a wild card. Unfortunately, in spite of its transformation of the offense of the team, the drill sergeant focus of Steckel to coach (he was a colonel in the Navy) was a poor attack NFL network Tampa Bay Buccaneers tickets for the right of vote. The it said good-bye at the end of the season, after the Bucs lost 21-3 to the Aguilas of Philadelphia.


Before that chooses of the pool of available strong offensive coordinators at the end of the 2000 campaign (inclusive previous Redskins lathe Operator of coach Norv), Dungy decided to elevate its coach of receivers Clyde Christiensen to the position. It can be discussed that this controversial decision was the final nail in the coffin for the occupation of Dungy. Although the team achieved a 9-7 victorious registration in 2001, they barely did it in the ends as the wild card low-sown. To add insult on offense, the Bucs was dull once more by the Aguilas — this time, 31-9.


It frustrated with the incapacity of the team to reach the Super Bowl in spite of a defense of league-dominating, Malcolm Glazer said good-bye Dungy the following day — a decision that created more controversy between players and faithful fans. In spite of any weaknesses that may have been attributed it to, Dungy was respected extremely around the league as a man of the solid character and a coach to who players were violently loyal.


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Dungy quick was an employee as the NFL network Tampa Bay Buccaneers tickets first coach of the Colts of Indianapolis, while the Bucs mounted a prolonged and the search a lot most defamed for its replacement. Various potential candidates were offered the work, inclusive the University of first coach of Florida Steve Spurrier, the previous Giants of new York direct the coach Counts Parcells and Washington coordinating Redskins defensive Marvin Lewis. Spurrier jumped al Redskins when he was offered the most lucrative package of salary offered never a first coach of NFL, and to Parcells he gave finally the Bucs’ the offering — the second time he had done thus in the history of the right of vote. The general director of Bucs McKay Rich threw his support behind Lewis. The brothers of Glazer so were desagradados NFL network Tampa Bay Buccaneers tickets with the selection of a but another defensive coach has objection in which they dominated McKay and they took the control of the search of candidate itself. They did the empty that their first election was Jon Gruden. The problem was that he was still low contract to the Invaders of Oakland.


While speeches with the Invaders were secretly on the way, the Glazers continued publically another offensive mind respected, first coach of San Francisco 49ers Steve Mariucci. Barely when the initial reports indicated that Mariucci had agreed in coming to be the Bucs’ first coach and general director, Al of owner of Invading Davis agreed in freeing Jon Gruden to the Bay of Tampa . The observers suggested that the Glazers’ the offering to Mariucci was only a ready tactic that negotiates: since Davis ‘ the ego large is documented, was very probable that would not permit such commerce of bomb to happen so near his lawn. If the tactic did not work, then the Bucs would obtain still the type of first coach that the Glazers desired.

Shortly after the Super victory of Bowl, a growing number of reports of press indicated the lack of Gruden of the patience with general director McKay. McKay was an older architect of the Bucs that rebuilds the effort on the prior ten years, and he, like Gruden, ties of long-established al area of the Bay of Tampa . Nevertheless, during the 2003 season, the relation of Gruden-Mckay got worse like the Bucs fought in the country. In November, Keyshawn Johnson was NFL network Tampa Bay Buccaneers tickets defused by the team ten play in the season for its conduit, that included the arguments of the supplementary activity with coaches of Bucs and players. Johnson was traded finally the Cowboys of you Dallas for the wide receiver Joey Galloway.


Deactivation exceptional of Johnson was a final sign that Gruden had earned truly the control. In December, the Glazers permitted McKay to leave the Bucs before the end of the season to regulate, and of him united immediately the Hawks as the president and general director. Thus, McKay looked at its first play as an executive of Hawks that sits down then al White of the owner Arthur in a skybox of the Stadium of Marmalades of Raymond. The Hawks defeated the Bucs 30-28, another sign of how the season had given returns in spiral downward. In spite of opening the season with a Monday by the victory at night on the Aguilas in Philadelphia new NFL network Tampa Bay Buccaneers tickets stadium, Lincoln Financial Field, the Bucs finished the season 7-9. It combined with the depressing Invaders 4-12 performance, neither Super team of Bowl they reached the ends that year.


Before the 2004 field of instruction, the personnel publishes and the cover of salary came be grade school concerns. Gruden pressured successfully the Glazers to employ its previous general director of Oakland , Bruce Allen. After the arrival of Allen in the Bucs’ the office, the team announced that would not renounce two from to its better defensive players — Lynching of John and Warren Sapp — before the season to regulate began still. Of their contracts they expired, and younger players would be able to fill their positions. Lynching was freed after medical exams the progressive problems indicated of the injury. Many fans of Bucs were dazed by the moves, like Lynching was a very popular player whose aggressive and intelligent play it gained several Professionals appearances of Bowl. The also well-considered for its self-sufficient work in the area of the Bay of Tampa . Lynch was signed quickly by the wild colt of Denver , where he had injury-freed consecutive Professional seasons of Bowl. Sapp signed with the Invaders of Oakland, where he played in a role he limited NFL network Tampa Bay Buccaneers tickets in 2004, and he sat down was a lot of of the 2005 season with injuries. Since wide receiver Keenan McCardell refused to play until he to be given a better contract or traded, he was sent to the Steeds of San Diego for the compensation of turn.


The Bucs absent minded began the 2004 season with a 1-5 unprecedented, its worse beginning since Gruden arrived. The certainty that discolors of kicker Martin Gramatica did not help the matters, like the team lost many nearby play of road to a 5-11 unprecedented, doing the Bucs the first team of NFL to continue a Super championship of Bowl with lose adjacent the seasons. The solitary peak points of 2004 were the play of great quality of inexperienced wide receiver Michael Clayton and the return of Doug William, that united the office of Bucs as an executive of personnel.


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This passed season, the Bucs returned to its victorious ways. The Buccaneers chose Carnell “Cadillac” William in the first series of the 2005 turn, and the novice would provide a current play that the Buccaneers had not possessed since the Wildest days of Marmalades in the eighties. William put the registration of NFL for the majority of the yards that hurry in their first three play with 474, and they were called as the 2005 Offensive Novice of AP of the Year. Their shoes and the gloves of the third play of the season are now on display in the Professional Vestibule of the Soccer of the Fame.

In 1975, the Buccaneers built a small complex of the practice with offices nearby international Airport of Tampa called A Place NFL network Tampa Bay Buccaneers tickets of Buccaneer. When other teams of NFL improved their facilities, players of Bucs and coaches elevated their complaints about the noise of airplane, the offices hindered, small condition of wardrobes and summary of A Place of Buc. Still first coach Jon Gruden has referred sarcastically to the facility as “The Woodshed”. For a lot of of the existence of the team, the Bucs had coaching the field in the University of campus of Tampa . Nevertheless, in recent years, the Bucs has had coaching the field in Edging in the expansive one and Disney of better-equipped Wide World of sports facilities in World Walled of Disney.


In August 2006, the Bucs uncovered its new one, and expected for a very long time, the facility of the instruction, that had been in construction for the best part of a year. Conveniently it located al another side of the street in front of the Stadium of Marmalades of Raymond in the previous place of the Center of the Bay of Tampa, a large walk that the Glazers bought in 2002 and then knocked down in 2005, this complex of it more modern is now the largest one for any team in the NFL. Representing new expansive offices and to find the spaces, two natural practice of lawn negotiates, a theater designed for both meetings of the team and presses the conferences, a space widened of the training with weights, a gigantic kitchen, a center of rehabilitation with three pools separated and a cabinet lodges two times the size of the to exist one in A Place of Buc, the Glazers told contractors of constructions How much cost” in the construction of the facility. [10] TO that The televisions of the plasma are represented through — mainly in the offices of the personnel that coaches — and the office of corner of Gruden of first coach Jon represents still a downpour with a view of the fields of the practice. The building is covered far away with a giant NFL network Tampa Bay Buccaneers tickets five-history glass and soccer of steel as a key item of design. A third field of the practice, representing astroturf, will be aggregated in the future.


The practices in the at present-nameless facility will remain they closed al public, although the existing walk that station in the western side of the property is still available for the use in days of play.


NFL stats and tickets the Uniforms, the colors and logo of logos Bucs (1976-1996), “Bucco Bruce” nicknamed [1] logo of Bucs (1976-1996), “Bruce” [1] logo of Bucs (1997-current), nicknamed “the Skulls

and the Swords” over writing [2] logo of Bucs (1997-current), nicknamed “Skulls and Swords” over writing [2] logo of helmet of Bucs (1997-current), nicknamed “Skulls and Swords” [3] logo

of helmet of Bucs (1997-current), nicknamed “Skulls and Swords” logo (1997-current), with “Skulls and logo (1997-current), with” the Skulls and the Swords” aboard the ship of pirate [4]

Current players

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Last updated: 8:06, 3 November 2006 (EST)






* 13 Tim Rattay QB #

* 7 Bruce Gradkowski QB

* 12 Luke McCown QB


Running Backs


* 24 Carnell Williams RB #

* 40 Mike Alstott FB #

* 34 Earnest Graham RB

* 32 Michael Pittman RB/KR #

* 33 Jerald Sowell




* 84 Joey Galloway WR #

* 89 Mark Jones WR/PR #

* 85 Maurice Stovall WR

* 19 Ike Hilliard WR/KR

* 82 Paris Warren WR


Tight Ends


* 88 Anthony Becht TE

* 83 Dave Moore TE/LS #

* 81 Alex Smith TE #

* 86 Doug Jolley TE/LS





* 9 Josh Bidwell P/KO #

* 3 Matt Bryant K #


Offensive line


* 69 Anthony Davis OT #

* 74 Cornell Green T

* 75 Davin Joseph G #

* 79 Sean Mahan G #

* 66 Nick Mihlhauser C

* 77 Jeb Terry G

* 70 Donald Penn C

* 65 Jeremy Trueblood T #

* 76 John Wade C #




* 55 Derrick Brooks OLB #

* 53 Shelton Quarles MLB #

* 54 Wesly Mallard LB

* 56 Ryan Nece OLB #

* 51 Barrett Ruud MLB

* 52 Antoine Cash LB

* 50 Jaime Winborn LB



Defensive backs


* 46 Blue Adams SS

* 26 Will Allen FS #

* 20 Ronde Barber CB #

* 21 Juran Bolden CB #

* 31 Phillip Buchanon CB

* 27 Torrie Cox CB/KR

* 30 Donte Nicholson

* 39 Kalvin Pearson FS

* 23 Jermaine Phillips SS #

* 29 Alan Zemaitis CB


Defensive line


* 93 Charles Bennett DE

* 91 Jon Bradley DT

* 71 Jovan Haye DT

* 95 Chris Hovan DT #

* 94 Greg Spires DE #

* 90 DeWayne White DE

* 96 Ellis Wyms DE #

* 66 Julian Jenkins DE



Practice squad


* 60 Darrell Campbell DT

* 62 Jonathan Clinkscale C/G

* 28 Lionel Gates RB

* 18 Chas Gessner WR

* 44 Jon Goldsberry FB

* 87 Keith Heinrich TE

* 15 Chad Lucas

* 68 Dennis Roland T


Injured reserve


* 72 Dan Buenning G #

* 80 Michael Clayton WR #

* 48 Andrew Economos LS

* 25 Brian Kelly CB

* 97 Simeon Rice DE #

* 2 Chris Simms QB

* 67 Kenyatta Walker OT

* 45 T. J. Williams TE


Reserve / Non-Football Illness


* 61 Chris Colmer T


(#) – Denotes Starter

When the team began the play in 1976, Culverhouse chose initially the colors of the team of red, green, anaranjado and white. Nevertheless, the shadow of green was too much end to that utilized by the Dolphins of Miami. An average shadow of orange was substituted for green, and the shrill one “Creamsicle” at home uniform of Sweater anaranjados with numbers and white pants was the result.the the subsequent white numbers were summarized with red. Still in the Bucs’ brief days of glory in the end of the seventies and years eighty early, their uniforms did them the extreme of jokes through the league.



Old caricaturist of the Tribunal of Tampa Lamar Sparkman designed the first one logo of the team. It faced with the difficulty to design a logo that did not look at wanted too much that of the other “pirated” in the league, the Invaders, Sparkman proposed a pirate in a hat with feathers and a sword in the mouth. The pirate appeared to be winking. The wine to known as “Buccaneer Bruce” or NFL network Tampa Bay Buccaneers tickets “Bucco Bruce”. It lights up the Notch of writer/commentator Bakay once noted it “the fear struck in the hearts of nobody”. When the Bucs changed to its new uniforms in 1997, the pet of Bucco Bruce was to be done to walk the plank of a ship of pirate of Gasparilla in the Bay of Tampa , but in a last NFL network Tampa Bay Buccaneers tickets minute pardon of the governor of Florida Lawton Chile remained the execution.

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