All Stimulants Become Depressants, Says Researcher Phoenix Gilman
Sport - Reality Syndicate Viewers originally published at Sport - Reality Syndicate Viewers
“Mental Illness?” More Than Likely, No. Depression is Often Self-Induced, Yet Easily Remedied
MARIETTA, GA, USA, May 26, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Who doesn’t start their day with a cup of coffee and end it with a glass of wine? Millions of Americans also continue to follow the low fat myth, which equals high carb/sugar. These are all stimulants. And all stimulants, become depressants.
The most socially acceptable mood-altering drug is caffeine. Young and old consume it daily and at an alarming rate, be it in their lattes, energy drinks, sodas, etc. Alcohol is another socially acceptable mood-altering drug that people consume almost daily. Yet both caffeine and alcohol drastically deplete serotonin, the major neurotransmitter that governs our mental health. In between those highly addictive and depressive habits, people are also eating a high carb/sugar diet, causing even more trauma to their mental health. Subsequently, serotonin deficiency is everywhere.
Gilman says, “All stimulants, whether caffeine, alcohol, and/or poor nutrition, first elevate, then deplete serotonin. Side effects of low serotonin are innumerable, but my focus here is how it affects our mental health, with side affects ranging from mood swings, depression, anxiety, to panic attacks and suicidal behavior. Shockingly, not a single mental health expert is talking about how nutrition is vital to our mental/emotional health.”
Gilman has helped hundreds of her clients alleviate their depression and anxiety, safely and effectively, while also weaning them off a plethora of meds—and all by simply implementing the science that her books are based. Results are remarkable, and in record time. No drugs and/or ECT needed.
About the author: Entrepreneur Phoenix Gilman is a respected researcher, author, and weight loss/anti-aging expert with 45 years of experience. Fed up with the misinformation running rampant within the diet, food and pharma’ industries, she vowed to make a difference. Her book, THE SEROTONIN-INSULIN CONNECTION is the result.
Her research has been recognized by many, including the CDC, Forbes.com, Focus Atlanta, Atlantan Luxury Magazine, Citizens Commission on Human Rights, numerous medical doctors, best-selling authors Michael Murray, ND, co-author of the Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine and Diana Schwarzbein, MD, author of The Schwarzbein Principle. Phoenix has done over 300 interviews nationwide.
Phoenix Gilman
Cell: 949.813.3366
Website: phoenixgilman.com / bodybyphoenix.com
Email: [email protected]
Book is available at Amazon for $19.95
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Phoenix Gilman
Body by Phoenix
+1 949-813-3366
email us here
Sport - Reality Syndicate Viewers originally published at Sport - Reality Syndicate Viewers